Yesterday, La Familia had their 15(?) year birthday party. I was invited to go on a "fun run"
to various Ice Houses that would eventually end up out in Katy at this really great place just
off I-10 past Pin Oak (forgot the name of the place).
My point is, I pull into the place with a group of about 8 Harleys, went over a very small bridge
and ended up in a sea of American V-twins. The first thing I see was an orange VTX and parked
next to it. Looked around for a while to see a familiar face and instead found a second VTX. I
got to speak to the owner of this one. Pretty cool dude but not a member of the forum.
The Harley group was a great bunch. They razzed me a little when I won a raffle but all in good
BTW, La Familia is an American bike only riders group that is made up of family and friends of
Las Canales which is made up of law enforcement personnel.