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Author Topic: Using forein treaty to eliminate the 2nd Amendment  (Read 5997 times)

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  • Tejano
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Re: Using forein treaty to eliminate the 2nd Amendment
« Reply #45 on: July 09, 2009, 01:21:36 PM »

For you to insinuate our fine service men and women would take up arms against their fellow countrymen to slaughter them for having weapons allowed by the second amendment is not only quite a bit more insulting, but a complete asinine statement based on absolutely no facts.

Soldiers are trained to act, and to obey orders, not so much to have individual emotions or individual ethical interpretations about their missions. Sure, some may not feel that it is a 'just cause', but, of course, it will be presented in a way that the 'enemy' is still the enemy, be it here, Vietnam, Iraq, Afganistan, or anywhere. An 'enemy' is an 'enemy', and soldiers for the most part, do not have the right to pick or choose a 'good' enemy from a 'bad' enemy. If the enemy is a private gun owner, he (or she) is the enemy, and if the soldier is trained to follow commands to neutralize the enemy, he will. 

I simply stated, as I will again since you obviously misunderstood, is that in a numbers game, the gun owner wins. Period. You really think that our soldiers would drop bombs or turn fighter planes loose on civilians because they have a pistol? You really think that the pilots would say..." Uhhhh, yes sir. I will kill all those folks.."?

(See above aka 'soldier vs. enemy'.)

Or will it be a door-to-door kinda thing? To quote your 1776 reference, most people wouldn't have taken a bet for the American Colonists against the better armed, better trained, and massively overpowered Hessian and English army, huh?

Good point! But, that conflict was still a much more 'equal' playing field, with the majority of the forces on both sides being footsoldiers,,, no air, armour, etc,...

You can try to get the military vets and active duty guys riled up at me if you want, but everyone on this board knows me better than that. Just ask Sgt. Stever. I guess the fact that the Gun Store that I just opened offers a DEEP discount to all LEO's as well as current and retired military is just a coverup for my military hatred... :banghead:

Didn't say you hated the military, just reverberated you statement about 'siding with the citizens' instead of the military as you preferred the 2 to 1 odds the citizens had,,, Kinda makes the Military look pretty weak, don't you think? 2 enemies per 1 soldier is far better odds than a lot of our servicemen have encountered,,, a 'light day', if you would,,,

And I think you just might be the one to have a little "offense" taken on your post calling us that believe in gun ownership "Bubba" and that us "anti-gun control enthusists" have a 4th grade education...

"Bubba" was part of the year 2000 scare as well. He massed a stockpile of guns and ammo at home 'cuz the world was gonna end on 1/1/2000'. Like he was gonna fight off 'what ever it was' that was gonna 'git him',,,

Bubba still lives on today, stockpiling stuff for 'whatever is gonna git him',,,
Bubba isn't very bright, as he evidently doesn't realize that whatever it is that's 'gonna git him' will roll over him like a Mack truck, and keep on rollin',,, Sure, a few may escape to the hills, but the Modern 'Bubba' will never, no matter what, dominate. Exist? Possibly a few,,, Dominate? Never.

I graduated 7th grade, dammit. Pops bought me a surface to air missile as a graduation present..

12th here, with the other 36 of my classmates,,, Cool on the missle!  Best I could get was a .22!


  • Texas X Rider OverLord
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Re: Using forein treaty to eliminate the 2nd Amendment
« Reply #46 on: July 09, 2009, 01:34:54 PM »

"Does this legislation flat our DENY you ANY rights? If you feel it does, be specific, and list what RIGHT it is that you reference. You're not losing your guns, or your right to keep and bear arms, so what 'amendment or law' would be violated by the passing of this legislation,,, The is no law for 'Freedom", so you'll have to be a bit more specific,,,It doesn't, yet this is the very argument, (or 'fear') that folks have about it or any kind of gun control."

Are you saying that we should accept this proposal which serves no purpose, other than ingratiating Obama to some other nations, because it does not specifically violate a right? Are you saying that we must trust a bunch of lying, self-serving politicians because their useless proposal does not specifically violate any rights? Are you saying that we should disregard common sense because a bunch of lying, self-serving politicians, who are serving their party rather than their constituents or their nation, have proposed a useless piece of legislation which will facilitate their STATED INTENTION of denying Americans their rights, but it doesn't specifically violate a right as proposed? Please tell me you are not that naive.

Aside from the fact that the proposition will accomplish absolutely no good at all, and that it would be a great first step in the Dems' STATED INTENTION to strip Americans of their Second Amendment rights, consider what this would cost. Of course, Obama could just print up some more money to cover it, but why on earth would anybody but a left wingnut brainwashed moron see any merit at all in this idiotic proposition? You still haven't shown us any benefit from this.
02 1800C


  • Tejano
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Re: Using forein treaty to eliminate the 2nd Amendment
« Reply #47 on: July 09, 2009, 04:01:48 PM »

"Does this legislation flat our DENY you ANY rights? If you feel it does, be specific, and list what RIGHT it is that you reference. You're not losing your guns, or your right to keep and bear arms, so what 'amendment or law' would be violated by the passing of this legislation,,, The is no law for 'Freedom", so you'll have to be a bit more specific,,,It doesn't, yet this is the very argument, (or 'fear') that folks have about it or any kind of gun control."

Are you saying that we should accept this proposal which serves no purpose, other than ingratiating Obama to some other nations, because it does not specifically violate a right? Are you saying that we must trust a bunch of lying, self-serving politicians because their useless proposal does not specifically violate any rights? Are you saying that we should disregard common sense because a bunch of lying, self-serving politicians, who are serving their party rather than their constituents or their nation, have proposed a useless piece of legislation which will facilitate their STATED INTENTION of denying Americans their rights, but it doesn't specifically violate a right as proposed? Please tell me you are not that naive.

Aside from the fact that the proposition will accomplish absolutely no good at all, and that it would be a great first step in the Dems' STATED INTENTION to strip Americans of their Second Amendment rights, consider what this would cost. Of course, Obama could just print up some more money to cover it, but why on earth would anybody but a left wingnut brainwashed moron see any merit at all in this idiotic proposition? You still haven't shown us any benefit from this.

First of all, I'd like to thank you for your time and effort that you have put into your replies. They are well spoken and do make some valid points, vs some of the other replies we have seen. That really does help make a difference /add to a discussion / debate, or whatever this is!!!

(more soon after I get home!)


  • Tejano
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Re: Using forein treaty to eliminate the 2nd Amendment
« Reply #48 on: July 09, 2009, 05:14:16 PM »

OK!! It's too hot to mow the yard, so here I am!!! (A groan erupts from the crowd!)

Here is the link again to the report on the legislation in question: http://wearechangecoloradosprings.org/blog/?p=594
 This report speaks about creating a national gun registry, and making that registry available to other nations.
This legislation is approx 12 yrs old, and has not yet been ratified.
It's purpose in today's world/time is reportedly to help curb small arms trafficking that is rampant is the Drug War, primarily in the Mexico-US border area.

Comment: Is the current US/Mexico border situation, in relationship to Drugs/Drug/gun trafficing any of our concern??? Some think so. I do. Your opinion may vary.

This legislation is reportedly the "Inter American Convention against the Illicit manufacturing and Trafficing of Firearms, Ammo, Explosives, and related materials.

Comment: I do not manufacture or traffic Firearms, Ammo, Explosives, or related materials in an illicit manner. Do you? Do you believe this 'activity' is acceptable, and should not be regulated, nor should or any joint effort by government's (plural) be made to curb this "activity"? If so, I can understand your concern!!! 

Ok, I'm sure some of you will say in regards to this report, "There is a hidden agenda, don't believe a word of this, the REAL truth is "XXX", Well, it's pretty tough to debate "XXX", and conspiracy theories have been around since day 1,,, So we may have to use the listed intentions of the report at face value, unless other information is brought to light,,, Anybody got any links they can post where we can see this whole "curb illicit gun trafficing" thing is just a farce, and the REAL reason is "XXX"?



  • Tejano
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Re: Using forein treaty to eliminate the 2nd Amendment
« Reply #49 on: July 09, 2009, 05:27:14 PM »

OK, next is Hip,,,

Again, I DO appreciate your comments! Keep 'em coming!  :thumbup:

Here is part of yours:

  Gun control. Now, there's a controversial subject! In the political climate in this country, common sense has no place. The gun grabbers want you to believe that firearms are inherently evil. Yet an inanimate object cannot be inherently good or evil; those qualities are derived from how that inanimate object is used.  The gun grabbers want you to believe that legislation can preclude criminal conduct. That notion is so absurd that I won't bother to debate it; if that were the case we could simply outlaw murder and murder would cease to occur. However, firearms -- unlike illegal drugs, for instance -- have a legitimate and necessary place in our society. Because we have a great deal of individual freedom in this country, we also have a great deal of opportunity for criminals to prey on the members of this society. Honest citizens have the right -- both a natural inherent right and a statutory right -- to protect themselves and their families and their homes from oppression by criminals -- and from the government. One might also argue that we have a RESPONSIBILITY to do so. If any of you left-wingers wish to debate interpretations of the Second Amendment's verbiage, let me know; I don't mind doing it but I'll assume for now that most of you comprehend the context intended by the drafters.

I agree, guns are not a crime in themselves, but as you are fully aware, they can be used to support crime as well as 'justice'. I have no problem with the self protection use of a firearm as well. I believe that is a GOOD thing! I also believe, whether or not criminals would obeyt the laws, laws governing guns, and who is elligible to posses a gun, are necessary. Have I made any comments that indicate otherwise? Have I made any comments that are a direct violation of the 2nd amendment? I don't believe I have, but if you feel otherwise, please feel free to list the 'illegal' phrases, and quote the part of the 2nd amendment that indicates such.


  • Texas X Rider OverLord
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Re: Using forein treaty to eliminate the 2nd Amendment
« Reply #50 on: July 09, 2009, 05:43:51 PM »

First of all, the entire "firearms trafficking to Mexico" farce is a joke. It is also someone else's problem, not mine and not yours. We already have laws in place to combat firearms trafficking, and firearms use, and firearms ownership, and every other facet of firearms existence. Apparently you're buying into the administration's lies here; think about the problem. The cartels have vast sums of money at their disposal; they can procure virtually any firearms they want from numerous global markets. The firearms illegally purchased and trafficked to Mexico from the US are a small drop in the bucket when compared to the whole picture. Additionally, firearms available from US dealers are not the automatic weapons and destructive devices that the cartels prefer. And if we could dry up that relatively miniscule flow, it could be easily replaced from other sources. The Mexicans are unable to dry up the contraband smuggled into the US from their country. It would be just as IMPOSSIBLE to dry up the smuggling in the opposite direction. So once again, the left wingnut politicians are promising something that they know is impossible to achieve to justify their proposal.

And on to the REAL issue: what makes you think that any benefit at all would be derived from this? It's a joke. Please tell me how the Mexican government knowing that I own firearms is going to curb the tide of smuggling. Tell me how they would prevent me from engaging in smuggling if I was so disposed. Tell me what the Mexican government would do with a list of millions of names of American citizens, scattered all over the US, all of whom own a few personal firearms. It's a ludicrous concept if you give it any thought. And while you are giving it some thought, please tell us how the government is going to research which crooks -- the ones who are career criminals, who are not permitted to own firearms in this country, and who are the most likely to engage in significant smuggling activity -- which crooks own firearms (illegally), and how do they propose to inventory those illegally possessed and trafficked weapons?

This entire proposal is a joke. It is absolutely incapable of having any effect on illegal firearms trafficking. Smuggling has been going strong for thousands of years, and no one has conceived of a feasible way to eliminate it. Why on earth would anybody believe that such an inane proposal as this could do it?
02 1800C


  • Tejano
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Re: Using forein treaty to eliminate the 2nd Amendment
« Reply #51 on: July 09, 2009, 05:50:02 PM »

(Sorry, the durn 'response' window is too small and you have a head start!)

As far as doing away with law enforcement because criminals disregard the laws, that premise just shows a lack of understanding of how our system works. Laws are passed to establish acceptable parameters of conduct. Those laws provide a means for redress for those who violate the laws; law enforcement investigates, charges, and arrests transgressors, and the judiciary tries the facts and punishes those deemed guilty. The concept that legislation, on its own merit, can preclude aberrant conduct, does indeed appear to be a left-wing belief.

I saw reference to "durn liberals/kool aid excuse." You might find it entertaining to note that on one forum that I visit daily the left-wingers all refer to the right as kool aid drinkers. But then they also refer to anyone who disagrees with their Messiah as racist radicals. Apparently that makes them feel better about themselves. Anyway, kool aid drinking, like lying, cheating, and stealing, seems to be rampant in both parties. Oh well..................................................

Laws are passed to establish acceptable parameters of conduct. This would include Gun Control unless Guns are not involved in any kind of illicit or illegal activity, correct?. Again, there is no debating that they are used 'occasionally' as such, and therefore, laws governing them do, and will continue to exist.

The concept that legislation, on its own merit, can preclude aberrant conduct, does indeed appear to be a left-wing belief.

I believe you have taken the 'thought' I posted earlier regarding "no LEO's" a bit beyond it's intended purpose. That purpose being that gun control, through laws and enforcement, by the government, is, in some measure a necessity. One that MUST exist and be implemented.

Anyway, kool aid drinking, like lying, cheating, and stealing, seems to be rampant in both parties.
Well, you probably wouldn't bellieve this, but I don't go to "Left Winger" websites,,, The Texas X board, with postings as we have here, is the most "Right Wing"' site I've been to,,, I guess that means that they are all the same, then,,, Lefty and Righty sites, cussin' the 'other guy' and many not sayin why, other than 'he's one of THEM!" KInda sad, ain't it!?!


  • Tejano
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Re: Using forein treaty to eliminate the 2nd Amendment
« Reply #52 on: July 09, 2009, 06:10:32 PM »

"What would happen if the government knew?" So Scotrod (I think it was you who asked -- my apologies if I'm misquoting), I must ask -- Why do they need to know?

You do realize that replying to a question with another question leaves us with 2 unanswered questions,,, I'll let you answer mine first.
Gun control (a basic party plank of the left) has been proven over and over to be unrelated to crime statistics,

In regards to the current proposed legislation,  What do you suggest then? No extradition if guilty? "Status quo is OK" Other programs? Education? I'm all ears,,,

 I believe that the true goal of these "virtuous leaders" (and many of them have so stated) is to disarm all Americans. Nothing else makes sense. So, in answer to your question, I say that if the government knew, it (or at least certain select members of it) would use the information to disarm all honest citizens AS THEY HAVE BEEN TRYING TO DO FOR SO LONG, AND AS THEY HAVE SUPPORTED THOSE EFFORTS WITH FREQUENT AND BLATANT LIES,

As I don't travel 'lefty' sites, you may have to help me and the (apparently few!) rest of us out by posting some links, or refer to some informationm that validates those statements,, I'm not saying they don't exist, but where have you seen the 'disarm all Americans' agenda? I don't feel that should be the case, and it would be 'refreshing'(?!) to see what you are talking about.

and after all of that one fact remains: If our "virtuous leaders" were indeed virtuous; if they were indeed patriotic, if they were indeed working honestly for the preservation of the nation, they would have nothing to fear from American citizens. But because they have lied to me; because they have stated their distrust for me; because they have stated their intent to disarm me and because they have attempted to do so over and over; and because there is absolutely NO real benefit from this, another of their agenda-driven plots, I say that they may all ingest fecal matter and expire.

What else ya wanna know

It appears that you don't trust any portion of the government,,, I just gotta say you sure have a 'unique' job with that much distaste for government and it's politicians! You are bound to enforce the very 'system' that you appear to dislike,,, Interesting! I would think that, as you have a lot of contact with (parts of) the system, that you might have better insight on how (parts of) it work, and how (parts of) it don't. 


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Re: Using forein treaty to eliminate the 2nd Amendment
« Reply #53 on: July 09, 2009, 06:22:26 PM »

"Is the current US/Mexico border situation, in relationship to Drugs/Drug/gun trafficing any of our concern??? Some think so. I do. Your opinion may vary."

If you believe the media and the administration I can see why you would think this way, but really do you believe the drug cartels are using guns from American citizens or gun shows - that is the evidence presented by the government. That is just silly, the cartels are using military grade weapons -- wise up Scotrod.
The U.S. has stepped up its aid to Mexico, recently allocating $800 million in training and equipment to Mexico's soldiers and police. So you don't believe any of this went to the Drug lords? We are talking about Mexico I can assure you these guys would sell their sisters, why not their weapons?

"I do not manufacture or traffic Firearms, Ammo, Explosives, or related materials in an illicit manner. Do you? Do you believe this 'activity' is acceptable, and should not be regulated, nor should or any joint effort by government's (plural) be made to curb this "activity"? If so, I can understand your concern!!! "

For me this says it all:
Inter American Convention against the Illicit manufacturing and Trafficing of Firearms, Ammo, Explosives, and related materials.
By the way do a google search on Inter American Convention against and see how many links popup -- we are killing our country with Inter American Conventionalism -- let's please every country but ours ---- what a terrible waist of money. Spread the wealth brother.

Article VII. - "Confiscation or Forfeiture"

States will confiscate or forfeit firearms, ammunition, explosives, and other related materials that have been illicitly manufactured or have been part of illicit trafficking. The states must ensure that all such items do not fall into the hands of private individuals or businesses through auction, sale, or other means.

So if I am a very good machinist and have the ability to make my own gun, (who defines illicitly manufactured) I load my own ammunition, have gun powder in my home, am I in jeopardy of having my belonging confiscated??
You tell me because "vs some of the other replies we have seen." I need you help to understand, you are at a different level than most on this board.   
\"The moment you taste it, something wet and dark leaps on you and starts humping you like a swamp dog in heat, and the only way to get it off you is to eat it off, It\'s Gumbo!! If you don\'t eat it then the mystery beast will go right on humping you.


  • Tejano
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Re: Using forein treaty to eliminate the 2nd Amendment
« Reply #54 on: July 09, 2009, 06:23:08 PM »

"Does this legislation flat our DENY you ANY rights?

Are you saying that we should accept this proposal which serves no purpose, other than ingratiating Obama to some other nations, because it does not specifically violate a right? Are you saying that we must trust a bunch of lying, self-serving politicians because their useless proposal does not specifically violate any rights? Are you saying that we should disregard common sense because a bunch of lying, self-serving politicians, who are serving their party rather than their constituents or their nation, have proposed a useless piece of legislation which will facilitate their STATED INTENTION of denying Americans their rights, but it doesn't specifically violate a right as proposed? Please tell me you are not that naive.

Again, simple question, simple answer please, does this legislation, in any way, affect your 2nd amendment rights?

Unless you can quote here what part of the 2nd amendment this legislation violates, it doesn't. If that is the case, then why are some people so obsessed with indicating that it does???  No better 'ammo' than to scream 'they are gonna take your guns!', even when the 2nd amendment is/will still remain fully intact, untouched? Whos lying, and self-serving here?



  • Tejano
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Re: Using forein treaty to eliminate the 2nd Amendment
« Reply #55 on: July 09, 2009, 06:29:53 PM »

Aside from the fact that the proposition will accomplish absolutely no good at all, and that it would be a great first step in the Dems' STATED INTENTION to strip Americans of their Second Amendment rights, consider what this would cost. Of course, Obama could just print up some more money to cover it, but why on earth would anybody but a left wingnut brainwashed moron see any merit at all in this idiotic proposition? You still haven't shown us any benefit from this.

Stated intention of stripping the 2nd amendment rights? Again, sorry, Haven't seen that agenda, maybe because I don't visit the right winger sites,,,  I'm not seeing it on the TV, the net,,,,, Do I need to watch Rush?

left wingnut brainwashed moron?

Gettin a little testy here, don't ya think?

Perhaps I gave you too much credit when I thought you could debate something in a calm, rational manner. Please restore that thought. 


  • Tejano
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Re: Using forein treaty to eliminate the 2nd Amendment
« Reply #56 on: July 09, 2009, 06:38:29 PM »

First of all, the entire "firearms trafficking to Mexico" farce is a joke. It is also someone else's problem, not mine and not yours. We already have laws in place to combat firearms trafficking, and firearms use, and firearms ownership, and every other facet of firearms existence. Apparently you're buying into the administration's lies here; think about the problem. The cartels have vast sums of money at their disposal; they can procure virtually any firearms they want from numerous global markets. The firearms illegally purchased and trafficked to Mexico from the US are a small drop in the bucket when compared to the whole picture. Additionally, firearms available from US dealers are not the automatic weapons and destructive devices that the cartels prefer. And if we could dry up that relatively miniscule flow, it could be easily replaced from other sources. The Mexicans are unable to dry up the contraband smuggled into the US from their country. It would be just as IMPOSSIBLE to dry up the smuggling in the opposite direction. So once again, the left wingnut politicians are promising something that they know is impossible to achieve to justify their proposal.

If it's 'not our problem', are you speaking on a 'Houston' level?, a 'Texan' level? an 'American' level?

Here's a link quoting CNN as a source that says 90% of the cartels weapons are from the US. Far from a 'small drop in the bucket' you speak of. Do you have any info showing otherwise?otherwise?


  • Master Tejano Rider
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Re: Using forein treaty to eliminate the 2nd Amendment
« Reply #57 on: July 09, 2009, 06:52:47 PM »

First of all, the entire "firearms trafficking to Mexico" farce is a joke. It is also someone else's problem, not mine and not yours. We already have laws in place to combat firearms trafficking, and firearms use, and firearms ownership, and every other facet of firearms existence. Apparently you're buying into the administration's lies here; think about the problem. The cartels have vast sums of money at their disposal; they can procure virtually any firearms they want from numerous global markets. The firearms illegally purchased and trafficked to Mexico from the US are a small drop in the bucket when compared to the whole picture. Additionally, firearms available from US dealers are not the automatic weapons and destructive devices that the cartels prefer. And if we could dry up that relatively miniscule flow, it could be easily replaced from other sources. The Mexicans are unable to dry up the contraband smuggled into the US from their country. It would be just as IMPOSSIBLE to dry up the smuggling in the opposite direction. So once again, the left wingnut politicians are promising something that they know is impossible to achieve to justify their proposal.

If it's 'not our problem', are you speaking on a 'Houston' level?, a 'Texan' level? an 'American' level?

Here's a link quoting CNN as a source that says 90% of the cartels weapons are from the US. Far from a 'small drop in the bucket' you speak of. Do you have any info showing otherwise?otherwise?

Scotrod, let me fill you in on an experience I had a few months ago. This is fact, and was not quoted on wordpress or CNN.

I am a federally licensed dealer of firearms. I also have my SOT. I have my manufacturing license. I can sell 50 cal. chain fed machine guns. I can sell AC556's (full auto Mini-14). I can sell bb guns. I can make and sell silencers.

In order for me to have this privledge, I had to sit down with two regional directors of the South Central US division of the Bureau or Aclohol, Tobacco, and firearms. Well, one was a 30 year Director and one was a fresh out of the academy trainee.

As we sat in our office (they had to come to our location, and flew in that morning) drinking coffee, our conversation went to why we wanted to be able to sell fully automatic weapons and manufacture silencers. We explained our position, a position that they liked, and we moved on. I asked, since we had been discussing this full-auto issue, about what was going on with the drug cartel and that exact statement that you spoke of- 90% of the weapons smuggled from the US.

His response floored me....

This old, nice man jumped up and yelled...."IT'S BULLSHIT".

He had my attention. I asked him to elaborate.

Truth (REAL, ABSOLUTE TRUTH) be known..... 90% of the recovered illicit weapons were from the US!! But here is the catch. They could only trace 3% of the weapons. So if they found 100 weapons, only three were still tracable. And he said the ones that were not tracable were in no way linked from the US. They were obviously Korean, Russian, and knockoffs from Central America. The ones that they could trace were LEGALLY bought standard weapons such as AR10's and AR15's with highly illegal trigger assemby jobs that made them full auto.

Bottom line:

It is already illegal to possess a machine gun w/o a class III stamp. Full auto conversion kits are also illegal. It is already illegal to sell to someone without a US drivers license, and filling out a 4473.

Let's enforce what we already have instead of making "registers" and any new law....
If I wasn't n00b, I sure would want to be!!! ;-)


  • Tejano
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Re: Using forein treaty to eliminate the 2nd Amendment
« Reply #58 on: July 09, 2009, 06:54:49 PM »

And on to the REAL issue: what makes you think that any benefit at all would be derived from this?

I believe laws and enforcement are the best ways to deal with crime.  

It's a joke. Please tell me how the Mexican government knowing that I own firearms is going to curb the tide of smuggling. Tell me how they would prevent me from engaging in smuggling if I was so disposed. Tell me what the Mexican government would do with a list of millions of names of American citizens, scattered all over the US, all of whom own a few personal firearms.

None of this legislation is designed for a 'local' level use only, per se', It's a multi-national legislation with the intent of adding information to law enforcements 'aresenal' to help with crime. You of all people should know and understand that due to the additional information law enforcement agencies now have and share nationwide that it has helped solve more crimes, convict guilty parties and exonnerate the innocent more than was ever possible before that information was shared.

It's a ludicrous concept if you give it any thought. And while you are giving it some thought, please tell us how the government is going to research which crooks -- the ones who are career criminals, who are not permitted to own firearms in this country,

I did say international legislation, correct?

 and who are the most likely to engage in significant smuggling activity -- which crooks own firearms (illegally), and how do they propose to inventory those illegally possessed and trafficked weapons?

Same way as as the DMV, the IRS, and todays law enforcement agencys 'inventory' their data.  



  • Texas X Rider OverLord
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Re: Using forein treaty to eliminate the 2nd Amendment
« Reply #59 on: July 09, 2009, 07:13:08 PM »

well, my long post didn't post. So here you go, scotrod: everything I'm saying is out there; you can find it all. If you think that this BS is a worthwhile proposal, support it. I hope you have enough sense to look for the truth, but the country is full of morons who support a party rather than truth. I don't know if you're baiting the folks here or if you're really as ignorant as you portray yourself to be about the laws in the US, but I'm not here to educate you. You still haven't stated why you think this proposal would provide any benefit whatsoever, or why the lie Obama is spouting would even be our problem. I tried to explain it to you. Have a nice life.
02 1800C
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