Yesterday was beautiful so I rode down to Hedley to check on my house there, just 75 miles to the east of here. I knew we had a front headed in from the north but decided to spend the night there anyway. It hit last night with wind and rain, as expected. I knew that I would be riding home in wind and rain. No big deal, I thought, been there done that since I started riding 40 years ago.
The wind was on average 40mph from the north, with gust of who knows, I was headed west. I was wearing a 3/4 helmet with a face shield and the gusts would hit from the side like I was getting punched by a boxer, my lips were flapping in the crosswind. There were times that I if I had boards instead of pegs they would have scrapped, going straight. When I hit the rain, the wind would let up a little so the rain was a good thing.
I know I have had harder rides before, but I was a much younger man then. I don't think a hot shower, and a stiff drink is going to work this time, after both, I feel like I have been beat with a baseball bat.
This getting old thing is crimping my style more than I thought it would.