Wow...!!! that was a fun time had by all at the park, good meet and greet and just plain old hangin around and eatin.... who was taken photos?? post them if you got em...
I sure did have fun, really did not mind the cooking at all, thanks to Andrew for relieving the cook at the end there.., it was appreciated..
I want to thank everyone who showed up and being a part of this... I am sure this wont be the only one....
The boat ride was an advebture for me and my family enjoyed the lake view for sure..
I have the list of contributors to releive some of the expenses Mo and I did...
The total expense was $159.00 (food, park resv, gas)
Contributors listed:
1. Andrew
2. Jonathan
3. Greg
4. Alex
5. Roman
6. Joe
7. Mo
let me know who else is going to be contributing....